Three Poems

by D.W. Baker


those           that
embrace       the
bend      natural

supple       state
-ment             of
knowing      the 

with       human
sensing    spirit
rhythm           is 

un-       ecstatic
met      wonder
-ered          that 

intricate       we
who        should
assume        not 

to              settle
doubt            for
anything     less

Lovers’ Script

“the moths perform their dance / around the source – oblique, / transverse, pavement parabolas. / A great and secret script, / cursive discourse, / kinetic mystery.”

–Isobel Dixon, “Imago, Imago” 

unthinking    the
routinized     moths
will                 perform 

interlock        their
lifelong          dance
orbiting         around 

lifeshort         the
burning         source
desire             oblique 

one-way         transverse
ruptured        pavement
perspective    parabolas 

becoming      a
known            great
recursively    and 

blooming       secret
lovers’            script
embodied      cursive 

boundary       discourse
release           kinetic
unitary           mystery

If the next rise doesn't get us,

muddy waters
rising high
flood insurance
right behind
options wither
failing states
toxic weather
changing place
if we could
break the glass
what we've done
fractured maps
setting sun

D.W. Baker is a poet, teacher, and New College of Florida graduate living in St. Petersburg, where he writes about place, bodies, belonging, and the end of the world. His work appears in Identity Theory, Sundog Lit, RESURRECTION Mag, and Voidspace Zine, among others, and has been nominated for Best of the Net. He reads for several mastheads including Variant Lit and Libre. See more of his work at

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