Submission Guidelines - Currently Closed for Submissions

Our submission guidelines can also be found on our Submission Page.

Our guidelines for submission are as follows:

  • Submissions are free, but we also operate a tip jar with a recommended donation of 5 dollars. If you are able to give money, we really appreciate it, but if you are only able to give writing, we appreciate it just the same.

  • Please wait until you receive a response for your submission before submitting again. You are free to submit to multiple genres, but only one submission per genre is allowed i.e. one short story of 4500 words and 3 poems totaling 10 pages of poetry.

  • Please include the name of the genre to which you are submitting somewhere in your file name.

  • Only submit previously unpublished work.

  • Include a biography in the appropriate place on Duosuma. 100 words or less, please. While it’s fine to tell us where you’ve been previously published, we’d love it if you told us something about yourself instead.

  • We accept simultaneous submissions, but let us know if your piece is accepted elsewhere.

  • Submit all written work as a .doc, .docx, or .pdf file.

  • Have standard formatting: put your page number somewhere on each page. If the submission is prose, please double-space. Use Times New Roman font, or similar.

  • Please limit prose submissions to ~4500 words for a single short story or up to four pieces of flash fiction each with a maximum of 1000 words.

  • Please submit a maximum of 10 pages of poetry.

  • Hybrid work can bend these limitations, but please do so within reason. We won’t be able to do anything with a full manuscript, even if it’s great.

  • We typically respond to submissions within four weeks. Please be patient as we are a very small team

Specifics for Visual Art

  • Please submit your piece as either a .png or .jpeg file.

  • Please submit your piece with a DPI of 300.

  • Please submit your piece with a size of 1024 x 1024 px.

  • Please list the materials used in the piece.

Submit here!

AI Statement

AI, or really this thing we misnomer as AI, is a tool and can be used as such in work that is submitted to Magazine1. What is meant by this is that if you have used AI to generate parts of your work, or in collaboration with the work your have produced in either visuals or in writing that is fine. It can be part of your toolkit as an artist. Works published by the amazing Inside the Castle have been partially generated by computer, and this does nothing to diminish their power. What we don’t want is work that is whole cloth created by computer, with your only input being the prompts used to create the work. Any work submitted must be fully yours in its creation.


We are a new magazine, and as a result cannot offer monetary compensation to our contributors. However, since we are operated by a Bookstore, we will give a $40 gift card to anyone we publish, which can be used in our physical store or in our online shop.

Author's Rights

For all submissions (fiction, poetry, nonfiction, visual art, and hybrid), we ask for the right to display and archive work in multiple electronic formats, such as on our website and in PDF, as well as in print for special issues. We acquire First Rights to the work (i.e. the piece must not have been previously published in print or online), with all rights reverting back to the author upon publication. After publication, we greatly appreciate any reprints acknowledging that the piece was first published in Magazine1.