Five Oil Paintings

Tony Corbitt Jr.

On the Road
8"x8" oil on linen panel

5"x7" oil on linen panel

The Cooler
12"x12" oil on linen panel
(Issue Two Cover Art)

8"x10" oil on linen panel

11"x14" oil on linen panel

Florida native Tony Corbitt Jr is a self-taught representational artist with a nearly 20-year career in portraiture, still life, and plein air painting in both oil and watercolor. 

An avid outdoor enthusiast, Tony explores the world with sympathy and curiosity. He prefers working from life, which can be challenging and often unforgiving, but he feels the sense of immediacy it endows a work is invaluable and that painting from direct observation creates an intimacy between the subject and the artist.

Tony produces original works and commissioned pieces, a selection of which can be found on his website,