He Needs a Name

Bubba Henson

On my morning walk
I dream of the dog I don’t have

may never have
my hand dropping to find his head

a reassurance for both of us
we are here

we are circling the park
you at my heel

me in your generous heart
on-leash off-leash

both ways present
seeing what I see

hearing what I hear
simple breath

easy gait
good boy

always never with me

Bubba Henson is a poet living in Sarasota, FL. Following a long career in marketing, he became a 7th-grade English teacher, and it was the best thing he ever did. He works for an educational fund and has an M.F.A. in Creative Writing in Poetry from Columbia University. His poems have been published in Laughing Unicorn Magazine and The Raven's Perch, and his memoir "Being True to the Story" will appear in the December issue of Nifty Lit. He is always seeking firsthand experience with people, places, and events.